Laura Ambrosi

Laura Ambrosi
Degree in Law and in Economics with legal focus.
Enrolled in the Order of Labor Consultants of Brescia, member of the Order of Journalists of Milano.
Di Tanno Associati
She joined Di Tanno Associati as partner in 2023.
Past professional experience
She was partner of Legalitax Tax and Law Firm and manager of theTax Litigation and Economic Crimes department of Legalitax.
Areas of expertise
Assistance to individuals and companies in tax inspection and tax litigation.
Assistance to individuals in tax criminal proceedings and to companies for liability introduced by Legislative Decree 231/2001 as Technical Advisor.
Scientific coordinator of “MODULO 24 CONTENZIOSO” (Sole 24 Ore) and of the related magazine.
Author of numerous texts and publications on tax assessment, tax litigation and tax criminal law for the most important national magazines and newspapers.
Conference speaker for many companies on tax assessment, tax litigation and tax criminal law.
Technical Consultant to the judge of the Court of Brescia.
Party Technical Consultant in tax criminal trials.